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Major Detailed issues of psychotherapy

2023/24, postgraduate, full-time

Basic information

Faculty name: Medical Postgraduate Education Centre, Centre for Postgraduate Education at the Faculty of Medicine
Major name: Detailed issues of psychotherapy
Level: postgraduate
Form: full-time
Language of study: polish


ISCED classification: 0912
Number of semesters: 4


Opis programu i efekty uczenia się

Celem studiów jest przekazanie wiedzy o psychoterapii i wykorzystaniu jej do funkcjonowania w roli psychoterapeuty, a także przygotowanie do treningu umiejętności terapeutycznych oraz analiza własnych doświadczeń klinicznych.

Kierunki studiów „Szczegółowe zagadnienia psychoterapii” oraz „Podstawy psychoterapii” stanowią składową teoretyczno-ćwiczeniową szkolenia do Certyfikatu Psychoterapeuty prowadzonego przez Katedrę Psychoterapii UJ CM i atestowanego przez Sekcję Naukową Psychoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego. Szczegółowe warunki uzyskania certyfikatu określone są przez Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne.

Na podstawie rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia w sprawie świadczeń gwarantowanych z zakresu opieki psychiatrycznej i leczenia uzależnień z dnia 19 czerwca 2019 r. i nast. absolwenci mogą prowadzić psychoterapię pod superwizją z zastrzeżeniem spełnienia warunków uwzględnionych w/w rozporządzeniu.

Innowacyjność i unikalny charakter studiów związane są z położeniem bardzo dużego nacisku na aspekt praktyczny – umiejętność prowadzenia dialogu terapeutycznego i sesji psychoterapii grupowej oraz stosowania wybranych specjalistycznych technik psychoterapeutycznych.

Na podstawie rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia w sprawie świadczeń gwarantowanych z zakresu opieki psychiatrycznej i leczenia uzależnień z dnia 19 czerwca 2019 r. i nast. absolwenci mogą prowadzić psychoterapię pod superwizją z zastrzeżeniem spełnienia warunków uwzględnionych w/w rozporządzeniu.

Studia zaznajamiają uczestników ze specyfiką psychopatologii w kontekście diagnostycznym jak i terapeutycznym. Tematy obejmują leczenie psychoterapią zaburzeń osobowości, nerwicowych, afektywnych, seksualnych i innych oraz specyfikę psychoterapii dzieci i młodzieży i osób starszych. Tematy ogólne np. etyka wprowadzają głębiej w wymagania dotyczący pracy psychoterapeuty.

Kierownik studiów:  prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rutkowski |

Obsługa administracyjna: mgr Agnieszka Cierpisz |

Szczegółowe informacje dostępne na stronie: Medyczne Centrum Kształcenia Podyplomowego (


Subject Number of hours ECTS points Form of verification Mandatory Block
Ethics and Legal Regulations. Introduction to Group Psychotherapy
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Specificity of Treatment of Neurotic and Post-Traumatic Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Specificity of Treatment of Personality Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy in Psychotic and Affective Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Hypnosis; Projection and Relaxation Techniques
Course details
workshop : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
workshop: 15
3 credit O Os
Humanistic Psychotherapy
Course details
lecture : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
lecture: 15
3 credit O Os
Group Psychotherapy. Phenomena in Working with a Group
Course details
classes : 75 h
ECTS points: 15
Form of verification: practical examination
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
classes: 75
15 practical examination O Os
Specificity of Treatment of Neurotic and Post-Traumatic Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Specificity of Treatment of Personality Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy in Psychotic and Affective Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Hypnosis; Projection and Relaxation Techniques
Course details
workshop : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
workshop: 15
3 credit O Os
Humanistic Psychotherapy
Course details
lecture : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
lecture: 15
3 credit O Os
Group Psychotherapy. Phenomena in Working with a Group
Course details
classes : 75 h
ECTS points: 15
Form of verification: practical examination
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
classes: 75
15 practical examination O Os
Techniques: Psychodrama, Pantomime, Drawing
Course details
workshop : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
workshop: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy in Behavioural Addictions. Psychotherapy in Alcohol Addiction
Course details
lecture : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
lecture: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy in Eating Disorders. Psychotherapy in Somatic Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy of Children and Young People. Psychotherapy of Elderly Patients
Course details
lecture : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
lecture: 15
3 credit O Os
Sexual disorders and Their Treatment
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Techniques: Working with the Body in Psychotherapy
Course details
workshop : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
workshop: 15
3 credit O Os
Group Psychotherapy. Phenomena in Working with a Group
Course details
classes : 60 h
ECTS points: 12
Form of verification: practical examination
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
classes: 60
12 practical examination O Os
Techniques: Psychodrama, Pantomime, Drawing
Course details
workshop : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
workshop: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy in Behavioural Addictions. Psychotherapy in Alcohol Addiction
Course details
lecture : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
lecture: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy in Eating Disorders. Psychotherapy in Somatic Disorders
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Psychotherapy of Children and Young People. Psychotherapy of Elderly Patients
Course details
lecture : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
lecture: 15
3 credit O Os
Sexual disorders and Their Treatment
Course details
seminar : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
seminar: 15
3 credit O Os
Techniques: Working with the Body in Psychotherapy
Course details
workshop : 15 h
ECTS points: 3
Form of verification: credit
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
workshop: 15
3 credit O Os
Group Psychotherapy. Phenomena in Working with a Group
Course details
classes : 60 h
ECTS points: 12
Form of verification: practical examination
Block: obligatory for passing in the course of studies
classes: 60
12 practical examination O Os