Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 3 classes: 20 e-learning lecture: 42 e-learning classes: 10 |
6 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 20 classes: 30 e-learning lecture: 10 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 40 e-learning lecture: 20 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 3 classes: 25 e-learning lecture: 27 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 e-learning classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
computer classes: 45 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 10 e-learning foreign language course: 20 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
classes: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
class (PE): 30 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
Health and Safety training: 4 |
- | credit | obligatory | Os |
Major Public Health
Basic information
Faculty name: | Faculty of Health Sciences |
Major name: | Public Health |
Level: | first-cycle program |
Profile: | general academic |
Form: | full-time |
Language of study: | polish |
Studia o profilu ogólnoakademickim na kierunku Zdrowie publiczne trwają sześć semestrów. Program studiów obejmuje wiedzę z różnych dyscyplin naukowych, w tym nauk medycznych, nauk o zdrowiu, zarządzania, ekonomii, prawa oraz nauk społecznych. Celem programu studiów jest przygotowanie absolwenta do pracy na wykonawczych stanowiskach w programach ochrony zdrowia, promocji zdrowia, profilaktyki, a także na stanowiskach samodzielnych w instytucjach systemu ochrony zdrowia, w tym inspekcji sanitarnej oraz jednostkach świadczących usługi zdrowotne.
Absolwent studiów uzyskuje tytuł licencjata.
Kierownik kierunku: dr hab. Iwona Kowalska-Bobko, prof. UJ |
Prodziekan ds. studenckich: dr hab. Christoph Sowada, prof. UJ |
Obsługa w dziekanacie: mgr Ewa Kisielewska | | 12 634 33 97 w. 32
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 14 classes: 56 computer classes: 4 e-learning lecture: 16 |
6 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 e-learning lecture: 30 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 e-learning lecture: 15 |
2 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 30 e-learning lecture: 20 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 15 e-learning lecture: 20 e-learning classes: 30 |
4 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 10 e-learning foreign language course: 20 |
4 | credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 20 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
class (PE): 30 |
- | credit | obligatory | Os |
practice: 80 |
3 | credit | obligatory | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Os | |||
student wybiera nie mniej niż 2 z 5 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać na I roku co najmniej 60 punktów ECTS) |
classes: 4 e-learning lecture: 8 e-learning classes: 18 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 4 e-learning lecture: 8 e-learning classes: 18 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 20 e-learning lecture: 10 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
w semestrze 2 student wybiera nie mniej niż 2 z 5 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać na I roku co najmniej 60 punktów ECTS)
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
classes: 25 e-learning lecture: 45 e-learning classes: 20 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 classes: 26 e-learning classes: 4 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 60 e-learning lecture: 15 e-learning classes: 45 |
6 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 classes: 30 |
4 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 10 e-learning foreign language course: 20 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Os | |||
student wybiera nie mniej niż 3 z 4 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać w 3 semestrze co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS) |
classes: 20 e-learning classes: 10 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 4 e-learning lecture: 6 e-learning classes: 20 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 6 e-learning classes: 24 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
w semestrze 3 student wybiera nie mniej niż 3 z 4 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać w 3 semestrze co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS)
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 30 classes: 75 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 computer classes: 30 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 classes: 31 e-learning classes: 4 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
computer classes: 20 e-learning lecture: 15 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 10 e-learning foreign language course: 20 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 30 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
practice: 150 |
5 | credit | obligatory | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Os | |||
student wybiera nie mniej niż 2 z 4 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać w 4 semestrze co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS) |
lecture: 24 e-learning lecture: 6 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 15 e-learning lecture: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
w semestrze 4 student wybiera nie mniej niż 2 z 4 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać w 4 semestrze co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS)
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 10 classes: 60 e-learning lecture: 20 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 e-learning lecture: 25 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
computer classes: 30 e-learning lecture: 15 |
2 | examination | obligatory | Os |
computer classes: 60 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 20 e-learning foreign language course: 10 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Or | |||
seminar: 45 |
- | - | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
- | - | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
- | - | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
- | - | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
- | - | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
- | - | elective | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Os | |||
computer classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
w semestrze 5 student wybiera nie mniej niż 3 z 4 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać w 5 semestrze co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS) oraz zobowiązany jest wybrać jedno z oferowanych seminariów dyplomowych, które jest kontynuowane w semestrze 6
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
classes: 20 e-learning lecture: 30 e-learning classes: 10 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 20 e-learning foreign language course: 10 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
e-learning lecture: 30 e-learning classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 computer classes: 30 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 10 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Os | |||
Student zobowiązany jest kontynuować jedno z oferowanych seminariów dyplomowych | |||||
seminar: 45 |
15 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
15 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
15 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
15 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
15 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 45 |
15 | credit | elective | Os |
obowiązkowy (grupa) | Os | |||
classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
e-learning lecture: 15 e-learning classes: 15 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
computer classes: 30 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
computer classes: 22 e-learning lecture: 8 |
3 | graded credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
w semestrze 6 student wybiera nie mniej niż 3 z 5 oferowanych przedmiotów fakultatywnych (aby uzyskać w 6 semestrze co najmniej 30 punktów ECTS) oraz kontynuuje wybrane w 5 semestrze seminarium dyplomowe