Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
e-learning: 30 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 30 e-learning: 15 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
class (PE): 30 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
classes: 36 seminar: 10 e-learning: 14 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 19 seminar: 16 e-learning: 10 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 36 seminar: 12 e-learning: 12 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
workshop: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
workshop: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
e-learning: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
e-learning: 20 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
seminar: 45 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 seminar: 10 e-learning: 20 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
Health and Safety training: 5 |
- | credit | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Os |
Major Medical analytics
Basic information
Faculty name: | Faculty of Pharmacy |
Major name: | Medical analytics |
Level: | long-cycle master's degree program |
Profile: | practical |
Form: | full-time |
Language of study: | polish |
Kierunek analityka medyczna jest nowoczesnym kierunkiem przygotowującym do pracy w zespole medycznym w charakterze diagnosty laboratoryjnego. Podstawowym celem kształcenia jest przygotowanie specjalistów z zakresu diagnostyki laboratoryjnej, którzy w przyszłości będą wpływać na rozwój nowoczesnej diagnostyki. Studia na kierunku analityka medyczna trwają 10 semestrów. Sekwencyjny program kształcenia zapewnia rozwój wiedzy i umiejętności oraz kompetencji społecznych w 7 głównych grupach zajęć obejmujących (A) nauki biologiczno-medyczne, (B) nauki chemiczne i elementy statystyki oraz (C) nauki behawioralne i społeczne realizowane głównie w czasie pierwszego i drugiego roku studiów, oraz grupach obejmujących (D) nauki kliniczne oraz prawne i organizacyjne aspekty medycyny laboratoryjnej, (E) naukowe aspekty medycyny laboratoryjnej, (F) praktyczne aspekty medycyny laboratoryjnej i (G) metodologię badań naukowych, których realizacja rozpoczyna się od drugiego roku studiów. W programie studiów przewidziano również obowiązkowe praktyki zawodowe realizowane w medycznych laboratoriach diagnostycznych. Dyplom magistra uzyskany na kierunku analityka medyczna na Wydziale Farmaceutycznym UJ CM stanowi podstawę do ubiegania się o prawo wykonywania zawodu diagnosty laboratoryjnego.
Kierownik kierunku: dr hab. Małgorzata Knapik-Czajka |
Prodziekan ds. studenckich: dr hab. Anna Więckowska, prof. UJ |
Prodziekan ds. dydaktyki: dr hab. Barbara Wiśniowska, prof. UJ |
Obsługa w dziekanacie: mgr inż. Justyna Trocka-Piotrowska | | 12 6205-417
Szczegółowe dane kontaktowe do Dziekanatu dostepne są na stronie Wydział Farmaceutyczny UJ CM
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
classes: 30 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 30 e-learning: 15 |
4 | credit | obligatory | Os |
class (PE): 30 |
- | credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 70 e-learning: 10 |
6 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 63 seminar: 5 e-learning: 12 |
6 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 8 seminar: 6 e-learning: 46 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 10 seminar: 12 e-learning: 8 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
seminar: 20 e-learning: 5 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
seminar: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Os | |||
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 14 trip: 1 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów I roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 4 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 20 classes: 20 seminar: 8 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 15 e-learning foreign language course: 30 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 14 classes: 27 seminar: 4 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 7 classes: 48 seminar: 12 e-learning lecture: 13 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 5 classes: 48 seminar: 18 e-learning lecture: 9 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 45 classes: 40 seminar: 5 |
7 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 20 |
1 | credit | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Os | |||
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 5 classes: 8 e-learning lecture: 2 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 6 computer room: 9 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów II roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 3 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 20 classes: 15 seminar: 7 |
7 | examination | obligatory | Os |
foreign language course: 15 e-learning foreign language course: 30 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 20 classes: 25 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 20 classes: 40 |
4 | credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 14 classes: 30 seminar: 36 e-learning lecture: 10 |
7 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 55 seminar: 10 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 seminar: 10 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
professional practice: 150 |
5 | credit | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Os | |||
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów II roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 3 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 20 seminar: 18 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 classes: 50 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 45 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 30 |
2 | credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 35 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 20 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 45 e-learning: 15 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Or | |||
classes: 5 seminar: 10 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 3 seminar: 12 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów III roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 2 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
e-learning seminar: 30 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 45 seminar: 5 |
4 | credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 54 seminar: 18 |
7 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 60 seminar: 15 |
8 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 30 |
9 | examination | obligatory | Os |
professional practice: 180 |
6 | credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 20 seminar: 20 e-learning lecture: 10 |
4 | credit | obligatory | Os |
seminar: 15 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 3 classes: 12 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Os | |||
lecture: 8 seminar: 7 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 12 e-learning lecture: 3 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 8 classes: 4 seminar: 3 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
e-learning seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów III roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 2 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 10 classes: 35 seminar: 25 e-learning lecture: 10 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 10 classes: 39 seminar: 3 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 4 classes: 25 seminar: 15 e-learning lecture: 16 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
classes: 42 |
- | - | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 30 classes: 45 seminar: 30 |
8 | examination | obligatory | Os |
classes: 42 seminar: 15 e-learning: 18 |
5 | examination | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Os | |||
lecture: 4 classes: 5 seminar: 6 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 3 seminar: 12 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów IV roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 2 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 5 classes: 20 seminar: 10 e-learning lecture: 5 |
9 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 14 classes: 48 seminar: 6 |
9 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 6 classes: 25 seminar: 15 e-learning lecture: 14 |
8 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 56 |
8 | credit | obligatory | Os |
professional practice: 180 |
6 | credit | obligatory | Os |
seminar: 20 |
1 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 20 classes: 30 seminar: 10 |
4 | examination | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Or | |||
lecture: 6 seminar: 9 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 5 e-learning lecture: 10 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 8 classes: 4 seminar: 3 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów IV roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 2 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
lecture: 14 classes: 60 seminar: 25 e-learning: 6 |
8 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 classes: 15 seminar: 15 |
3 | examination | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 3 classes: 14 seminar: 12 e-learning lecture: 6 |
2 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
classes: 91 |
6 | credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 seminar: 30 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 6 classes: 15 seminar: 20 e-learning: 4 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
lecture: 15 seminar: 30 |
3 | graded credit | obligatory | Os |
obligatory | Or | |||
lecture: 9 seminar: 6 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
seminar: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 10 seminar: 5 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
lecture: 5 workshop: 10 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
classes: 15 |
1 | credit | elective | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów V roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 4 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory | Block |
classes: 450 |
25 | credit | obligatory | Os |
professional practice: 90 |
3 | credit | obligatory | Os |
See additional information
Dla studentów V roku konieczność wybrania przedmiotów fakultatywnych za 4 ECTS. W toku studiów student musi wybrać co najmniej jeden przedmiot fakultatywny realizowany w języku angielskim.